Thursday, January 29, 2009


Monday, February 11, 2008

Yesterday instead of going to church Steve and I went visiting. First stop was to see Mary. Then we went to see my dad. Lastly, we went to see my grandmother. Here are the minor details.

My sister is not good. This week she was diagnosed with shingles, a common side-effect of cancer. Also, her bladder has fallen and needs to be tacked. Sigh. She is still so swollen. We went to see her yesterday and she looks like a caricature. Actually, more like a snow woman 'cause she's wearing a cap on her head and was all bundled up in winter apparel, trying to stay warm. With her newfound plumpness from the steroid use, she'd be comical if it just wasn't so doggone sad. She's had a cold and a hacking cough for quite a while. I took her a few presents to try to cheer her. One of them was a clear heart-shaped rock with the Bible verse from Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loveth at all times." It's her favorite. I told her I could be her rock if she'd let me. She said she didn't me; God was her Rock.

I don't know how long Mary will continue nor what other ailments will come to torment her. I told her God wouldn't put more on her than she could bear and I believe that. For whatever reason she has these additional sufferings, He has a plan and a purpose for them. I trust Him with her. I don't understand all that she is being tested with but I thank Him for these trials in her life and the way they affect those around us. Why? Because it brings us all closer to Him. Too often we forget our need of Him and need gentle reminders.

Next, we went to visit with my dad. He was actually in good spirits (Steve has that effect on him). He was pleasant and, although the radiation treatments haven't been as successful as he'd hoped, he looked good. For him. He hasn't had a haircut nor a shave in who knows how long. Remember the tale of Rip Van Winkle? Yeah, that's who he looks like. He will finish this second round of radiation this week. Then we'll just have to see. His prognosis was for six months. That was before Christmas. Other than being on oxygen for his COPD, he doesn't seem to be suffering any adverse effects from the cancer. My mother soon arrived from church and then my brother, Billy, came over as well. His son and daughter Hayley came over a smidge later.

Lastly, we went to see my grandmother, who is in a nursing home in Madison County. She's had Alzheimer's for quite a while. She smiled and mumbled (her speech is really impaired) at us. We had taken some Valentine cupcakes. She's always loved sweets and enjoyed hers thoroughly! Billy, Hayley, and my mother also were there so for a while we sat around, trying to relive old times that will never happen again. Mom kept dozing off and then would awaken each time and be glad to see us. Sigh.

All in all, it was good to see for myself these that are in my family. They all have their pains, trials, and tests. They all have made professions of faith. So, in a little while, their hurts will be no more. They'll be in Jesus' arms and content. A new understanding will be theirs and someday soon, I'll get to be there too. What a day that will be!

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